Silver and Gold

Today while I was working on our countdown chains that is the song that kept playing over and over and over in my mind.  I have great news I finished the countdown chains, and thank you to everybody who gave me some great ideas for the advent calendar.  First are the chains that my Mom would make for us as kids, I now make them for my family.  It's fun to get a small piece of chocolate everyday.  This year we each picked the chocolate we wanted in our chains.  We have Hershey miniature candy bars, Hugs, and Reese's Bells.  Guess who gets which treat. Then we have our advent calendar, the type where you open a door everyday. I have plenty of activities to fill the 24 doors.  I am excited for tomorrow when it all begins, we will be busy.

Candy Countdown Chains

Advent Calendar

Family Pictures

On Saturday we decided to take family pictures. We picked Brittany up and went to a park. It was a lot of fun, even though some of the pictures required walking on ice. Brittany and Emilee even made a new friend. Thanks Brittany for taking the pictures, here are a couple for your viewing pleasure.

It Feels Like Christmas

The Christmas Season has begun once again. Lets remember to take the time to enjoy the season, and to show love to those around us.


This past Sunday we enjoyed a wonderful dinner with Adams family.  It was nice to relax and talk with everyone.  I am looking forward to tomorrow, even though Adam has to work.  It will be fun to watch the parade with my family, and to enjoy dinner with them.  I hope everyone enjoys their Thanksgiving this year, I know that I will.

Emilee wearing her Preschool craft!  How Cute!

I hate being Sick

I should of realized I was going to get sick, way before I did.  Everything was pointing towards a cold.  First I decided we should get flu shots, to protect ourselves. Then Emilee got a runny nose, and I have a lot to get done this weekend.  Last but most important a major holiday was just around the corner.  As far back as  I can remember I am somehow sick either on Christmas or Thanksgiving.  Sometimes it's horrible (laying on the couch, not eating horrible) or just small ( just annoying to be sick).  Tuesday night I went to bed not feeling right, wake up Wednesday not being able to breath.  Hopefully it doesn't last very long, only a couple of days.  Emilee and Adam have been great through this.  Emilee was so kind to me yesterday, always asking if I was okay and getting me things.  Adam came home early to take care of me and the house.  Thanks to him coming home I was able to sleep as soon as he came home for a couple of hours.  He took care of Emilee and dinner, after dinner I went to bed early.  He is so sweet and thoughtful, he is helping in every way he can.  Thank you Adam and Emilee for taking care of me.

I have to say that even though Emilee and Adam have made being sick easier, it's still much better to be sick as a  kid instead of as a grownup.  As a kid you have a mom who makes sure you take the right medicine and brings you food.  You can stay in bed all day and not worry about anything, and it doesn't matter if the medicine you takes knocks you out for hours.  As a grownup I won't take medicine if I'm home alone with Emilee, because I will sleep forever, no matter the medicine.  Even though I don't have to do anything, Adam won't let me.  I still worry about all the things that need to be done.  Thank you to Mom who made being sick as a kid, easy.

I Need Your Help

For what you ask?!  I am working on our Christmas Advent calender, and am drawing a blank.  I need your amazing ideas.  I already have a count down chain, where Emilee gets a piece of Candy a day, so I don't need to fill it with treats, and I don't want to give her a lot of little gifts.  I would like your ideas on things to do.
Here are some of the ideas I have: Temple square, Festival of Trees, going to a movie, painting ornaments, driving to look at lights, writing a letter to Santa, and making cookies for Santa.  I know you are all amazing and have great ideas, please help me jump start my brain.

Too Soon?

It's no secret that I love Christmas, but I also know that the beginning of November is too soon.  Now that I am a Mom and have to worry about all the small things that are involved in getting ready for Christmas, it's easy to be overwhelmed.  This year I've decided to try and get some of the small things done now, even though it's early.  Today I decided to pull the Christmas movies out of Emilee's closet and organize them into a case, that way there will be less bulk and easy to get to, when the time comes.  Emilee decided to help me, which was lots of fun.  Unfortunately when we were done she wanted to watch the Christmas movies.  I couldn't resist, I let her pick one to watch.  She decided to watch How the Grinch stole Christmas, the cartoon, and she was thrilled.

Watching How the Grinch stole Christmas

Here's a little secret, I was excited to watch the movie with her.

Our Halloween

This year was a busy Halloween, but so much fun.  I loved all of the activities that we participated in.  We had Emilee's preschool parade on Thursday, on Friday was the Yorgason party, on Saturday was the ward carnival, trunk or treat, trick or treating with the Yorgason cousins, then the Collins party, and trick or treating with the Collins cousins.  By Sunday we were exhausted, I even got to sleep in that day.