Curtis Graduation

Curtis graduated from USU (Utah State University) last Saturday. We decided to go to Logan to support him during this time of celebration. We arrived while the rest of the family was in the first Ceremony, the one for all of the graduates. While they were in the ceremony we went to the zoo and the park. All of the animals were awake, it was early in the day, Emilee even made a friend. Emilee loved playing on the swings and the slide. After the ceremony we met the family at Aggie ice cream. It was nice to eat ice cream with the family, relaxing and talking. Unfortunately I was not prepared and my battery died right before the second ceremony, the one for the specific programs. So I have pictures of us waiting, but none of the actually event. We are so proud of Curtis for getting his degree. We had fun celebrating with him and the family. It was a nice way to spend a Saturday. Congratulations Curtis!!!!

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