
I can't believe that the month is almost gone, so much to do so little time. It doesn't feel like we've done a ton, it's just gone by to fast.

Christy, Robert, Russell, and Amber moved into their new homes the beginning of this month. It was exciting to see all that they had accomplished. I know that they are enjoying being in their homes. Christy and Robert even got a new kitten to celebrate. Russell and Amber were finally able to bring Trapper into their home.

Then we had a birthday celebration with my family on the first Sunday to celebrate all the June birthdays. This month you have Christy, Amber, and My Birthday. So my Mom cooked the meal and then the husbands were in charge of the cake and ice cream. It was fun to see the guys work together.

We went to Pirate Island with Adams family. It was really fun to have everyone there, it has been awhile since we were all together. The kids loved to listen to the music, they were doing Karaoke that night. They also had fun playing together on the pirate ship. The family remembered it was my birthday the next day, so they tried to have the pirates sing to me. But because of the Karaoke they weren't able to. It was a fun night to spend with the family.

Adam was so kind to me this year for my birthday, he totally surprised me. He arranged to have Emilee go to Ryan and Kristienas to spend the night. While he whisked me away to Salt Lake for a night. The day of my birthday we went shopping and Emilee picked out a Cricut cartridge for me to have. We went to lunch and then we went to the Sweet Tooth Fairy for a cupcake. To my surprise (and a nice coincidence) they had made my favorite cupcake that day, Key Lime. Adam actually bought four of them, I was able to have one a day for the next few days yummy. After we dropped Emilee off, which was hard, we went shopping a little more, bought a new shirt, then we went to dinner. It was nice going to dinner and being just the two of us. I didn't have to worry if Emilee was eating, or unhappy, so nice. That was how wonderful my birthday was. So Nice.

Adam had to work this year for fathers day, which was sad. So I made him the dinner of his choice, which was Manicotti. I decided to go all out for his dinner, we had an appetiser, a salad, garlic bread, Manicotti and dessert. After dinner he opened his presents, I gave him a LED flashlight that he had wanted, and the batteries to go with it. Emilee gave him a little lego set, and some tools. He seemed excited for his gifts. We went to visit both of our Dads, it was nice to spend some time with them even though it wasn't a lot of time. We love to visit family and to just spend time with them.

This Sunday we went to visit Russell and Amber, they had cooked dinner for the Family. It was nice of them to cook us dinner in their home. It was fun to spend the time with the family.