One of My Favorite Things to do

I love to read.  It's such a simple statement but it's so true.  I remember in 3rd grade not being a very strong reader, something happened that year.  By the end of the year I had grown in leaps and bounds.  My love of reading has only grown since.  The last few years I have found it hard to read as much as I use to which really made me sad.  When Emilee started Kindergarten, I started volunteering an hour a day every day.  It didn't make any sense for me to drive all the way home and turn around 30 minutes later to drive back to pick her up.  I started finding things I could do, that hour that I wait has become magical to me.  I sit back and read while I wait for her, I am loving it.  Between September and December of last year I read a lot of books.  This year I decided I would keep track of the books I read, and thought there is no better place than my blog.  I am going to try to keep a list of the books I read for me to remember, and maybe if you are looking for a book to read you could look at the list I have and pick one.  If you ever feel like you have found a book that I would like to read let me know, I will more than likely read it.  With Emilee starting to read, I thought it would be a nice thing to keep track of the books she reads.  One day she can look back and see the first books she ever read by herself.

If you look at the side of my blog you will find the way to our reading list.

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