Swim Lessons

We decided to put Emilee in swim lessons this year for a couple of reasons, she loves the water, and it would give us something fun to do for a couple of weeks. Knowing that Emilee loves the water, we assumed the first day would be a piece of cake, well you should never assume. Emilee was signed up for Preschool level 1, we thought that was the basic. Everything was going okay, until she met her teacher. She flipped out because she had a male teacher, who knew that would be so traumatic. We could not get her back in the pool. Thank heavens for Kim, she came along and took Emilee into the pool. While watching what the classes were teaching we realized there was a level lower than Preschool level 1, it was just preschool. Adam and I decided to make the change and have Emilee in that class. Everything went much smoother from that time on. Emilee loves the water, and looked forward to her class everyday. She blew bubbles, jumped of the edge, went underwater, floated on her back and tummy, kicked her legs, she loved her lessons. At times she was more excited to play than listen. On the last day I was ready to take pictures of Emilee doing the tests to pass the class, little did I know it was slide day. The teachers had been watching them for the last couple of days to see if they could pass. The last day was a total play day. They took the kids to the big water slides and let them go down. They did the younger kids for the first minutes and the older kids for the last minutes. Emilee had so much fun going down the slides, she went as many times as she could, which ended up being 3 times. She passed her class, on the back of her certificate they wrote that "she is soo ready for the next level". Emilee is definitely not scared of the water.

10 Years

Earlier this month Adam and I celebrated our 10th anniversary. It's amazing to think how fast the time has gone. We celebrated by going to dinner, thanks to Kayloni for babysitting, we were able to go by ourselves. Adam was kind and took me to Red Lobster, which was yummy. Then we wandered around the mall, and a couple other stores. Adam bought me a pair of earrings and I bought Adam a few movies. It was nice to have the evening to ourselves.
I am thankful for Adam and everything that he has done for Emilee and I. We have had our share of ups and downs. Adam has been strong and steady through it all. I love him with all of my heart, I am glad that 10 years ago I married him. Adam thank you for being wonderful.

July 5th

We celebrated the 4th with Adams family on the 5th this year. It worked out well for us, that way we were able to celebrate with both families. We had a BBQ where everyone had to bring something they hadn't made before. It was fun to try new things, and everything was really good. We played some games, they were minute to win it type of games. It was fun to play or to watch everyone else try to win. They also had some games for the kids to play. After the games we watched more fireworks. It was a fun evening and it was nice to spend time with the family that could be there.

4th of July

We had so much fun on the 4th this year. Adam actually had the day off, it's nice when he can spend the holiday with us. The whole family gets together the 1st Sunday of every month for a dinner and to celebrate whose ever birthday is in that month. The first Sunday just happened to fall on the 4th and Christy was nice enough to host the dinner at her house. After dinner we went for a walk as a family, to kill time before it got dark. We ended at a park, where the "grownups" acted more like kids than the kids did. We went down slides, had jumping off swing contests, and a few of us even rode in a little kid car. It was so much fun, it was the "grownups" that didn't want to leave the park when it was time to go, the kids were more than ready to go. As we arrived back at the house, it was dark enough for fireworks. It was so much fun to be together as a family on the holiday.


I love to try new recipes, and sometimes they turn out wonderful and others not so great. I decided that it would be fun to share the recipes I find, that we like, with you. In June we tried a few recipes and we really liked these two.

The first one is for Stuffed pita, but we also tried it in a wrap and we love it. It's easy, light, and filling. I really love this site, it's easy to spend awhile searching through all the past recipes.

The second one is for a dessert, of course. This one was great for the summer, its a Pudding Dessert. I didn't use the shaved candy bars, because I didn't have any on hand. I did like the crust, but I think next time I might try something different, just for fun. Hope you enjoy, like we have.