Preschool Graduation

I can't believe it, the school year is done.  Emilee had her Preschool Graduation last night, they did such a great job.  The kids sang songs they had learned about all of the colors.  Emilee has really enjoyed Preschool this year, I am so glad that we put her in school.  Miss Janae is a wonderful teacher, Emilee loved her.  They did so many fun things and learned while having fun.

The four kids (including Emilee) on the end are Emilee's Class

Such cute Graduates

Receiving her Diploma

She's too cute

Rain=Puddles and slimy things

For the most part I love the fact that we have had so much rain, it has kept the temperatures down and everything looks so green.  I hate having to drive my husband to work in the rain storms, its really hard to see when it's dark and raining.

Yesterday we decided to go for a walk in the rain, we were tired of being indoors.  We grabbed our jackets, umbrellas and off we went.  We had lots of fun on our walk in the rain.  We found some worms swimming in a puddle, and we decided to save a couple of them.  When I say we saved, I really mean Adam is the one who touched them and put them in the grass.  Emilee liked looking, but would not get close. On our walk Emilee had fun seeing how big of a splash she could get.  It was a lot of fun to watch her jumping in puddles, she came home with very wet legs.