In May Emilee graduated from Preschool. Emilee was excited for weeks before graduation she kept telling me about about the parts she was going to perform.
She was the Old Lady who swallowed a fly, and she was going to be the Lamb in Mary had a little Lamb. She couldn't wait to be the Old Lady, she was most excited to die. She did a great job dying and she was the cutest little Lamb.
I had a hard time knowing that she was graduating from Preschool. I had all of the emotions you could imagine. I was experiencing my oldest, my youngest and my only leaving Preschool and growing up. It's really hard watch her go through these milestones. I am proud of her and excited for her, but I get sad. Emilee has been sad lately knowing that Miss Janae isn't her teacher anymore. Every once in awhile she will start crying. We will ask her whats wrong and she tells us that she misses Miss Janae.
Thank you Miss Janae for being a wonderful teacher. Emilee learned a lot and grew so much in your class. You were such a positive influence in her life, she tells us she wants to be a little kid (Preschool) teacher when she grows up.