2nd Blessing: My blood didn't object too much and left my body somewhat freely.
3rd Blessing: Emilee's car seat is worth every penny we spent on it.
My morning started like any morning I was awakened by the sun coming through my window and by Dory, she was thirsty. I made sure Emilee was awake so I could feed her and get her ready for preschool. Adam woke up and got ready we had a visitor coming. We decided recently to add to our life insurance policies, which meant a nurse was coming to fill out paper work, check our blood pressure, take our blood (my favorite part, not) and whatever else needed to be checked. I was worried about having my blood drawn, I have had some okay experiences and horrible experiences. Today was a pleasant surprise and she was good at getting my blood to come out. After having a good experience with the nurse, everything pointed to having a great day. Then we had to go buy toilet paper and I wanted to go to Hobby Lobby, that's when things turned.
I couldn't find my wedding ring when we were walking out the door. We ended up searching the house tearing the front room apart trying to find that ring. Thankfully we found the ring after about 20 minutes of looking and lots of stress. We should of stayed home, but we needed toilet paper and I wanted to finish a project. We were driving down state street traffic had stopped, so we stopped. Unfortunately, the lady behind us didn't stop. She hit us, which pushed us into the car in front of us. It was such a weird feeling getting hit, time slowed down as I jerked forward. I am so thankful for Emilee's car seat, she is safe and not in too much pain. I wish that I could say that I wasn't in pain, I'm sure Adam wishes the same thing. So our car, the only one we have that works, is no longer in great shape. The bumpers and trunk took most of the damage. Now comes the privilege of trying to get the car fixed and working with insurance companies. We never ended up buying the toilet paper.
Oh my Gosh! I hope she had awesome insurance to cover two cars! They'd better get you a rental until the car is fixed. I'm glad that everyone was OK. If we lived closer I'd run and get you that toilet paper.