One More Sleep Til' Christmas

Thanks to my younger siblings this song sorta became a tradition at my house on Christmas Eve. We would always watch this movie last just for the song.

I hope everyone enjoys today whether you are busy getting ready, relaxing, or going to parties. I am very thankful that Adam has the holiday weekend off. Today will be a fun, relaxing day (once he finishes his homework). We are going to make cookies, enjoy some soup, and watch movies. Later tonight we will read stories and open pajamas before going to sleep.

I want everyone to have a Merry Christmas. I will enjoy spending time with all of my family that is close by. Everyone that is too far to visit, you will be missed and you will have a special place in my heart.


1 comment:

  1. One of my favorite traditions! Mostly because I was the one that enforced it so well (much to the begrudging attitude of certain family members). I lost my DVD, so am going to have to watch the whole movie on youtube tonight. haha. I hope you guys have a great Christmas! Wish I could be there. I will be spending Christmas alone. My friends all either went home for Christmas or are working. So my main goal is to try to not get depressed tomorrow. This is also the first year of my entire life that I wont be opening pajamas tonight on Christmas Eve. It's so odd. Christmas will definitely be unique this year. Miss you and the family!
