
I was able to take a nap this morning, thanks to Emilee.  We had to wake up early this morning to take Adam to work, no big deal.  I usually just come home and start my day while Emilee goes back to bed.  That is exactly what I did today.  I came home and took a short shower and did some things around the house until Emilee woke up.  We had breakfast, and then I realized I wasn't able to keep my eyes open.  I figure I was so tired because my body is recovering from being sick.  Since I could tell my eyes weren't going to stay open I decided to do something I never do.  I let Emilee choose a movie, and told her that I was going to lay on the couch (that way I was in the same room) and take a small nap.  I also told her if she needed anything she could wake me up.  Emilee made sure I was covered in a blanket, she sang me a song, and then let me sleep.  A few times while I was asleep I could feel her rubbing my face.  She took really good care of me, and didn't get into any type of trouble while I was napping.  It was a great small nap.


  1. Hmm, your sickness doubled with tiredness could mean something more. Have you tested lately? I've had a runny nose from day one.

  2. Sorry, but I am NOT pregnant. Maybe one day.
