If I don't like the question so much why am I talking about it? It's because the last two weeks in December I was trying to decide my goals for the New Year, and I kept asking myself about that question. The first little bit I was worried sick about how I was answering myself, crazy I know. Little by little I answered the question, and was able to make goals on areas I really wanted to improve on. I personally think Heavenly Father made me ask myself that question, because he knew I would have to think. He also knew that while I was thinking I would realize I am not a nobody (something I've been struggling with).
I have decided that once a week, every 2 weeks or once a month, I will let you in and tell you some things about me. You may find them boring, funny or interesting. If you are perfectly happy with how much you know about me don't read on.
I was born with very little, to no hair. I have always heard about how bald I was and how long it took for me to get hair, not to worry though. I have a lot of hair and it's very thick. I believe that I had very little hair for so long because it was so thick that it had to work harder to reach the surface.
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No Hair |
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Lots of hair |
I am a lefty, and proud of it. Even though in school I had a teacher who wouldn't let me cut with my left hand. She kept trying to force right handed scissors on me and then would get mad if I used my left hand. I believe she thought she was fixing me, she wasn't. Thanks to her that motor skill was never fully developed. I still struggle with cutting. Even though I struggle with cutting I write really well. I have been told by lots of people how well I write for being left handed. Even though in school I did get in trouble for my cursive letters leaning in the wrong direction. One time I was filling out some paper work for a customer and he noticed I was left handed. He asked me how I learned to write so well, he wanted me to show his daughter how I was holding the pencil and writing. She was also left handed, but had the habit of bending her wrist when she wrote. Plus even if I'm not great, most of the greats are left handed.
I HATE Spiders and snakes. I hate them so much that when I go to the zoo and we visit the building with the reptiles and insects I walk directly down the middle that way I am not to close to the cages. If there is a spider in the house Adam has to kill it, before I got married my siblings or parents had to kill it. I have killed a few if I have a vacuum to suck it up and it's about to "attack". I have also killed a couple with Adams huge boots, he hates when I do that because I leave the boot on it. So when he picks up his boot there is a nice surprise he has to clean up. Why am I so scared, I blame it on a dream I had as a child. It was one of the dreams where it was real. I was lying in my bed, and spiders started to crawl on me and they kept coming big ones, little ones all sorts. I knew they were coming to kill me. I was so scared I couldn't move or scream. I tried to scream but nothing came out of my mouth, so all I could do was wait. Eventually the dream ended and to this day I know that spiders want to kill me. To this day I still think that dream happened when I was awake and that it was very real. My brain reminds me if it was real where did all of the spiders go. I also have had the pleasure of a spider walking across me when I was sitting there minding my own business. When I noticed that evil spider I jumped up, it didn't fall of so I flicked at it, thinking it would come off. No the legs fell off one by one as I jumped up and down flicking at it. My family had a great time laughing at me. I hate spiders. I hate snakes because they are evil looking and to me scary.
I know that was a lot of me, it was strange to tell that much about me all at once. Like I said I will share more secrets about me, in future posts. I hope you weren't bored.
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