Tonight is the end of a year, I don't know if I am excited or sad that this year is over. Nothing really went the way I hoped it would. I have made my goals for the New Year, I am working on a plan so that way it might be easier to keep them.
We are going to be very laid back and boring tonight, no partying for us. Adam has to work all weekend so we are staying home. We also want to Emilee to be in bed on time. We will have very few snacks, watch some movies and relax. We might even go to bed early, don't tell anyone. I hope that all of you have a wonderful night celebrating.
Clean Up
We have decided to get back to normal life at our house. The truth is I really want to clean to carpets, and I can't do it with the Christmas tree up. So last night we took down the tree. All of us were sad to take it down, Emilee really wanted me to leave it up until next Christmas. Even though Emilee was sad, I think Dory is going to miss it the most. It's her favorite hiding/napping spot.
Time to analyze
It's that time of year when we sit back and reflect on our lives, especially the things we want to change. It's time to make new year resolutions. Even though keeping most goals are hard, I think they are a great idea. I am a person who makes goals every year. I think it's a wonderful idea to look at ourselves and see what we want to change and find a way to change it. I totally understand that there are things in our lives that we might not be able to change, but I know that there is a lot that we can. I find that trying to keep goals is a great way to grow. It's a wonderful feeling when you realize that you have made a change and completed a goal, even if you make the same goal year after year imagine how great that feeling will be when you complete it. So off I go to think about the goals I want to make.
Christmas was wonderful this year. On Christmas Eve, we made cookies for Santa, left food for the Reindeer, Emilee opened pajamas and her book, we read her book, had yummy soup, watched some Christmas Movies, watched the Nativity and Mr. Krugers Christmas, and finally went to bed. We really did have a lot of fun that day. Emilee was so funny, she told me weeks ago that she wanted to give Santa pie. She was very specific, he could not have the whole pie, or even a big piece. He could only have a small piece of pie.
I slept in until 7:45 Christmas Morning, Emilee woke up within minutes of me waking up. I decided to straighten her hair, it was all in tangles. When we finished, Emilee went in and woke up Adam. It was fun to watch her on Christmas morning. She got a couple of puzzles, 2 Barbie's, and some more little things. Adam got a fish tank from Santa, a movie from Me, and 2 fish tank decorations from Emilee. I received a cookbook from Adam, a book from Emilee, and a cricut cartridge from Santa. Emilee also got a book from her teacher Miss Janae. Emilee made us a cute gingerbread ornament in school. It was a nice small morning. We also received a gift from some Christmas Angels (thank you).
Later that morning we left to visit family. We went to visit with Adams family first. We opened our gifts, they spoiled us, and ate breakfast with them. It was nice to be together with the whole family. Then we went to visit with my family. We got there in time to see Christy, Robert, Matthew and Lillian. Emilee had fun playing with them, and was sad to see them leave. We opened our gifts from the family, and they also spoiled us. We ate dinner with my family, we did miss Curtis and Christys family. We had a great time, and loved spending time with everyone. That's one of the best parts of Christmas, seeing and talking to family. Thank you everyone for your kind and thoughtful gifts. We love all of our Family. We had a great Christmas.
I slept in until 7:45 Christmas Morning, Emilee woke up within minutes of me waking up. I decided to straighten her hair, it was all in tangles. When we finished, Emilee went in and woke up Adam. It was fun to watch her on Christmas morning. She got a couple of puzzles, 2 Barbie's, and some more little things. Adam got a fish tank from Santa, a movie from Me, and 2 fish tank decorations from Emilee. I received a cookbook from Adam, a book from Emilee, and a cricut cartridge from Santa. Emilee also got a book from her teacher Miss Janae. Emilee made us a cute gingerbread ornament in school. It was a nice small morning. We also received a gift from some Christmas Angels (thank you).
Later that morning we left to visit family. We went to visit with Adams family first. We opened our gifts, they spoiled us, and ate breakfast with them. It was nice to be together with the whole family. Then we went to visit with my family. We got there in time to see Christy, Robert, Matthew and Lillian. Emilee had fun playing with them, and was sad to see them leave. We opened our gifts from the family, and they also spoiled us. We ate dinner with my family, we did miss Curtis and Christys family. We had a great time, and loved spending time with everyone. That's one of the best parts of Christmas, seeing and talking to family. Thank you everyone for your kind and thoughtful gifts. We love all of our Family. We had a great Christmas.
One More Sleep Til' Christmas
Thanks to my younger siblings this song sorta became a tradition at my house on Christmas Eve. We would always watch this movie last just for the song.
I hope everyone enjoys today whether you are busy getting ready, relaxing, or going to parties. I am very thankful that Adam has the holiday weekend off. Today will be a fun, relaxing day (once he finishes his homework). We are going to make cookies, enjoy some soup, and watch movies. Later tonight we will read stories and open pajamas before going to sleep.
I want everyone to have a Merry Christmas. I will enjoy spending time with all of my family that is close by. Everyone that is too far to visit, you will be missed and you will have a special place in my heart.
Getting Ready
Today is going to be a cleaning day. I am doing laundry, picking up Emilees room, doing dishes, basically making sure everything looks wonderful. Adam has tomorrow off, it's been at least 4 years since he's had Christmas Eve off. All I want to do tomorrow is relax and completely enjoy the day. So today we are cleaning. What's crazy is the fact that I am looking forward to cleaning.
Yorgason Christmas Party
Sunday was the Yorgason Christmas party, we had fun. There was a great dinner, we were in charge of bringing the rice. Adam was the one that made the rice, he did a great job. We also played a lot of fun games. It was nice to talk and to laugh with everyone.
Collins Party
Last night was the Collins Christmas Party, I had a lot of fun. Emilee seemed to really enjoy playing with her cousins. We had a nice dinner, and lots of treats to snack on. Santa Claus came, and gave the kids stockings, Aunt Brittany played a cute elf. The kids played pin the nose on the reindeer, made reindeer food, and colored some Christmas pages. While the kids were playing, the grown ups were able to play some games. It was great to be together as a family, enjoying each others company.
Lillian |
Matthew |
Emilee |
Santas Reindeer
Santa was very kind, he let two of his reindeer leave the North Pole and visit Thanksgiving Point this year. Don't worry the reindeer are going back to the North Pole before Christmas Eve, so they can help Santa. Last night after we picked Adam up from work we visited the Reindeer. Even though it was a colder night, it was fun to see the reindeer and to learn some facts about them, like they have six stomachs.
Christmas Trees....sorta of
Yesterday was a messy, glittery, sticky, and fun day at our house. It started by Emilee and I painting. Emilee needed to finish painting her ornament, and I wanted to paint a canvas. I saw the idea for a Christmas Tree made with hand prints at My Garden of Eden and new I wanted to make one. I loved the idea, yet knew that I wanted to make it a little different. Here's what my thought process came up with, I'm not sure if I'm going to add a star at the top.
Kayloni gave us a cute idea for an activity, Star Trees. What's a star tree? It's a Christmas Tree made with Fruity Pebbles treats cut into star shapes. I was so prepared I had everything......except different sizes of a star cookie cutter. So I improvised with what I had, snowmen. Our tree might not look like a tree, but it was a lot of fun making a Snowman Tree.
All of us might be covered in glitter until the New Year, but we really did have a fun day.
Made with Emilee cute little hand |
Building the tree |
Our Tree |
We also made a small gift for Miss Janae. I saw the idea for Reindeer noses here, and decided that was what we were going to make. I decided not to use the cute labels she provided, I didn't want to use our ink. So I decided to use a reindeer stamp that I had. I also made my label a little bigger, oh well. I still think it turned out cute.
All of us might be covered in glitter until the New Year, but we really did have a fun day.
Candy Canes and Snowmen
Life is finally returning to normal around our house. Adam gets to go back to work tomorrow, I don't think he's too thrilled. I took advantage yesterday of him being home, we went shopping. I went shopping with my mom first thing in the morning. We went to the American Craft outlet sale, so many things to choose from. I was proud of myself, I only went 5 dollars over my limit. I came home and showed Adam my purchases, he's such a good audience, then we went shopping. It was a long day, but.......We Finished Our Christmas Shopping!! Last night our activity was making candy cane reindeer. Emilee was in charge of the noses. I was a little worried after the first 3 that all the reindeer were going to have green noses, she soon realized there were different colors. I think her reindeer turned out cute.

We had an activity earlier this week where we made a snowman garland. The garland was an activity where Emilee was able to help with the whole project. I'm not sure if her favorite part was punching the shapes out of the foam, or putting the hats and scarfs on the snowmen. The garland is a lot cuter than I thought it would be, based on the package.
We had an activity earlier this week where we made a snowman garland. The garland was an activity where Emilee was able to help with the whole project. I'm not sure if her favorite part was punching the shapes out of the foam, or putting the hats and scarfs on the snowmen. The garland is a lot cuter than I thought it would be, based on the package.
More advent activities
A couple of nights ago we made some hot chocolate and went for a drive. We were looking for Christmas lights, but had more fun being together as a family. We sang Christmas Carols, talked, and laughed together.
Emilee was able to color a poster of Sleeping Beauty dressed for the Holidays. She was kind to share, and let her Mommy and Daddy color parts of it. When she was done we put the poster on her door.
Today she got a small gift, a package of Princess magnets.
We still have a lot more fun days ahead of us. Emilee loves all the little things we are doing, but I think she loves opening the doors to the advent calendar just as much.
Letter to Santa
We are getting ready to write Santa a letter from Emilee. This year it is going to be a very short and easy letter, she has only been asking for two dolls. Emilee being so sure that if she is good, Santa will bring her what she wants, reminds me of how innocent she is. I can't help but have a flashback of another little girls Christmas letter, which it the complete opposite of my sweet Emilee. As I got older, I always found her letter funny.
Christmas Tree
Our activity last night was to watch movies and eat popcorn. We bought a tin of popcorn with Santa on the front, Emilee loved most of it. Emilee does not like caramel, which I think is funny. We've noticed she doesn't like it in candy or cookies, last night we noticed she won't eat the caramel popcorn. I have a plan, I am going to make caramel brownies, hopefully before next December, we will see if she likes caramel that way. We also visited my family last night, it was fun to visit with them. As we were leaving Brittany showed me her new boots, oh how I wish our feet were the same size. We ended up coming home at the same time as Erik and Kayloni, it was fun to talk to them for awhile. Emilee had fun showing them her room all decorated, and everything else in the house.
Our Christmas Tree |
Our Bright Christmas Tree |
Festival of Trees
For our first activity of the season we went to the Festival of Trees. We had a lot of fun today, it's always fun to see how much people put into trees. Emilee told us she wanted to see Santa, so we stood in line and talked to her about not being scared. She kept watching him and telling us what she was going to say. The moment arrived and she is still scared of Santa, maybe next time.
Princess tree and toys |
Snowball fight |
Silver and Gold
Today while I was working on our countdown chains that is the song that kept playing over and over and over in my mind. I have great news I finished the countdown chains, and thank you to everybody who gave me some great ideas for the advent calendar. First are the chains that my Mom would make for us as kids, I now make them for my family. It's fun to get a small piece of chocolate everyday. This year we each picked the chocolate we wanted in our chains. We have Hershey miniature candy bars, Hugs, and Reese's Bells. Guess who gets which treat. Then we have our advent calendar, the type where you open a door everyday. I have plenty of activities to fill the 24 doors. I am excited for tomorrow when it all begins, we will be busy.
Candy Countdown Chains |
Advent Calendar |
Family Pictures
On Saturday we decided to take family pictures. We picked Brittany up and went to a park. It was a lot of fun, even though some of the pictures required walking on ice. Brittany and Emilee even made a new friend. Thanks Brittany for taking the pictures, here are a couple for your viewing pleasure.
It Feels Like Christmas
The Christmas Season has begun once again. Lets remember to take the time to enjoy the season, and to show love to those around us.
This past Sunday we enjoyed a wonderful dinner with Adams family. It was nice to relax and talk with everyone. I am looking forward to tomorrow, even though Adam has to work. It will be fun to watch the parade with my family, and to enjoy dinner with them. I hope everyone enjoys their Thanksgiving this year, I know that I will.
Emilee wearing her Preschool craft! How Cute! |
I hate being Sick
I should of realized I was going to get sick, way before I did. Everything was pointing towards a cold. First I decided we should get flu shots, to protect ourselves. Then Emilee got a runny nose, and I have a lot to get done this weekend. Last but most important a major holiday was just around the corner. As far back as I can remember I am somehow sick either on Christmas or Thanksgiving. Sometimes it's horrible (laying on the couch, not eating horrible) or just small ( just annoying to be sick). Tuesday night I went to bed not feeling right, wake up Wednesday not being able to breath. Hopefully it doesn't last very long, only a couple of days. Emilee and Adam have been great through this. Emilee was so kind to me yesterday, always asking if I was okay and getting me things. Adam came home early to take care of me and the house. Thanks to him coming home I was able to sleep as soon as he came home for a couple of hours. He took care of Emilee and dinner, after dinner I went to bed early. He is so sweet and thoughtful, he is helping in every way he can. Thank you Adam and Emilee for taking care of me.
I have to say that even though Emilee and Adam have made being sick easier, it's still much better to be sick as a kid instead of as a grownup. As a kid you have a mom who makes sure you take the right medicine and brings you food. You can stay in bed all day and not worry about anything, and it doesn't matter if the medicine you takes knocks you out for hours. As a grownup I won't take medicine if I'm home alone with Emilee, because I will sleep forever, no matter the medicine. Even though I don't have to do anything, Adam won't let me. I still worry about all the things that need to be done. Thank you to Mom who made being sick as a kid, easy.
I have to say that even though Emilee and Adam have made being sick easier, it's still much better to be sick as a kid instead of as a grownup. As a kid you have a mom who makes sure you take the right medicine and brings you food. You can stay in bed all day and not worry about anything, and it doesn't matter if the medicine you takes knocks you out for hours. As a grownup I won't take medicine if I'm home alone with Emilee, because I will sleep forever, no matter the medicine. Even though I don't have to do anything, Adam won't let me. I still worry about all the things that need to be done. Thank you to Mom who made being sick as a kid, easy.
I Need Your Help
For what you ask?! I am working on our Christmas Advent calender, and am drawing a blank. I need your amazing ideas. I already have a count down chain, where Emilee gets a piece of Candy a day, so I don't need to fill it with treats, and I don't want to give her a lot of little gifts. I would like your ideas on things to do.
Here are some of the ideas I have: Temple square, Festival of Trees, going to a movie, painting ornaments, driving to look at lights, writing a letter to Santa, and making cookies for Santa. I know you are all amazing and have great ideas, please help me jump start my brain.
Too Soon?
It's no secret that I love Christmas, but I also know that the beginning of November is too soon. Now that I am a Mom and have to worry about all the small things that are involved in getting ready for Christmas, it's easy to be overwhelmed. This year I've decided to try and get some of the small things done now, even though it's early. Today I decided to pull the Christmas movies out of Emilee's closet and organize them into a case, that way there will be less bulk and easy to get to, when the time comes. Emilee decided to help me, which was lots of fun. Unfortunately when we were done she wanted to watch the Christmas movies. I couldn't resist, I let her pick one to watch. She decided to watch How the Grinch stole Christmas, the cartoon, and she was thrilled.
Watching How the Grinch stole Christmas |
Here's a little secret, I was excited to watch the movie with her.
Our Halloween
This year was a busy Halloween, but so much fun. I loved all of the activities that we participated in. We had Emilee's preschool parade on Thursday, on Friday was the Yorgason party, on Saturday was the ward carnival, trunk or treat, trick or treating with the Yorgason cousins, then the Collins party, and trick or treating with the Collins cousins. By Sunday we were exhausted, I even got to sleep in that day.
Preschool Parade
First Field Trip
Top of Pumpkin Mountain |
Going back to school |
Emilee and her pumpkin. |
Halloween Bottles how to
I really hope that this makes sense, and that I am able to remember everything. First you find some bottles, I don't think the size matters. I wish I had taken pictures for each step, but I didn't even think about it.
For the bottles.
1. We spray painted the bottles with a gray primer, while still wet we sprinkled sand on top of the primer. It really helps to spray in smaller sections, basically a side at a time. Let dry.
2. We then spray painted with the black, while still wet we sprinkled a spice mix on top. I'm not sure what the spices were, it was old spices that were on hand. I think there was all spice, maybe cloves and nutmeg. I think you could use anything that had a brownish or orange color, and smelled good. Let that dry.
3. When that step dried we lightly misted over the top with the black spray paint again.
For the labels:
1. We had a piece of card stock with the phrases printed on them. The phrases were Eye of newt, Swamp water, and witches brew. There was enough room above the phrases to stamp an image. You could use any image, we used a stamp set from Stampin up.
2. We tore around the image to fit on our bottles.
3. To turn brown we used a tea bag. We would dip the tea bag in the tea and rub it on the label. We did it a couple of times to get the color we wanted. The tea bag came apart and left some of the tea on the label which just added to it.
4. While slightly damp we used a glue stick and glued it to the bottles. It helps to be slightly damp, just makes it form to the bottle better.
Finishing :
1. We had strips of cheese cloth that we let soak in the tea.
2. Remove the cheese cloth, ring it out. Then we stamped it with a black ink pad. Then we rubbed it together to mix the ink through the cloth.
3. We snipped it with scissors and then pulled on it a little, just to make it look old and torn.
4. Tie the cheese cloth on, tie on some twine, unravel the twine to get the look you want.
That is everything, I hope. It was a messy activity, but I really do love the bottles and the way they look. I hope that it works for you and that you love the result.
For the bottles.
1. We spray painted the bottles with a gray primer, while still wet we sprinkled sand on top of the primer. It really helps to spray in smaller sections, basically a side at a time. Let dry.
2. We then spray painted with the black, while still wet we sprinkled a spice mix on top. I'm not sure what the spices were, it was old spices that were on hand. I think there was all spice, maybe cloves and nutmeg. I think you could use anything that had a brownish or orange color, and smelled good. Let that dry.
3. When that step dried we lightly misted over the top with the black spray paint again.
For the labels:
1. We had a piece of card stock with the phrases printed on them. The phrases were Eye of newt, Swamp water, and witches brew. There was enough room above the phrases to stamp an image. You could use any image, we used a stamp set from Stampin up.
2. We tore around the image to fit on our bottles.
3. To turn brown we used a tea bag. We would dip the tea bag in the tea and rub it on the label. We did it a couple of times to get the color we wanted. The tea bag came apart and left some of the tea on the label which just added to it.
4. While slightly damp we used a glue stick and glued it to the bottles. It helps to be slightly damp, just makes it form to the bottle better.
Finishing :
1. We had strips of cheese cloth that we let soak in the tea.
2. Remove the cheese cloth, ring it out. Then we stamped it with a black ink pad. Then we rubbed it together to mix the ink through the cloth.
3. We snipped it with scissors and then pulled on it a little, just to make it look old and torn.
4. Tie the cheese cloth on, tie on some twine, unravel the twine to get the look you want.
That is everything, I hope. It was a messy activity, but I really do love the bottles and the way they look. I hope that it works for you and that you love the result.
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